Archive | January, 2013

This “List” Says T-Mobile Is The Third Most-Hated Company In America

Congrats 24/7 Wall St, you’ve managed to completely twist  the definition of “hated” into something that fails to do anything other than make me laugh. I had no idea that “hated” consisted of companies with poorly performing financials or drops in customer service scores. Unhappy customers? Sure, that’s a problem that needs to be addressed. Does every company have customers that despise them? … [read full article]

See T-Mobile’s CEO Call Out AT&T’s Network In New York City

Remember those colorful remarks we mentioned coming from T-Mobile CEO? Well, the folks from MobileWorldLive happened to catch a bit of T-Mobile’s press event Tuesday night on video. Want to hear T-Mobile’s CEO call AT&T’s New York City network “crap?” Of course you do. Check out the clip which runs till 3:22, with T-Mobile CEO taking the stage at 1:22. Legere has a lot to … [read full article]