HTC One Retail Rollout Goes Nationwide Today As BlackBerry Q10 Launches

A quick public service announcement this morning as the HTC One is now available at every single T-Mobile retail store nationwide. After initially … [read full article]
A quick public service announcement this morning as the HTC One is now available at every single T-Mobile retail store nationwide. After initially … [read full article]
With yesterday’s intel pointing toward a June 5th launch of the BlackBerry Q10 it came as little surprise this morning when T-Mobile announced that very date via press release. T-Mobile becomes the first major US wireless … [read full article]
Oh how the mighty have fallen as another piece of bad news surfaces for the BlackBerry crowd as new figures suggest the once giant smartphone OS has dropped to fourth in global shipments. There’s no question that Android at 75% and iOS at 17.3% of the total global smartphone market in the first quarter 2013 have the clear lead. Still, Microsoft saw an … [read full article]
Tomorrow’s a big, big day in the land of Magenta with the formal introduction of new rate plans, possible LTE and iPhone launch news as well as the release of the [read full article]
T-Mobile has confirmed to Reuters that the BlackBerry Z10 will launch on the carrier March 11th for business customers. T-Mobile declined to give a date for the consumer side launch, but said it would happen before the end of March. … [read full article]
With our own set of intel pointing to a late March launch for the BlackBerry Z10, T-Mobile is going on the record with Bloomberg and stating they are “aiming … [read full article]
The jury may be out on the initial success of BlackBerry’s new 10 platform for at least another few months, but a new piece of news this morning might entice at least a few Android fans. A major feature in the current BlackBerry 10 platform is the ability to support and run Android apps. Unfortunately, as it stands today the very best … [read full article]
Just moments after its announced that all four carriers will carry the upcoming Blackberry Z10 … [read full article]
Blackberry’s making some major changes this morning with the introduction of Blackberry 10. First things first though, RIM has declared that they shall no longer be “RIM” and henceforth will only be called “Blackberry.” More importantly is Blackberry announcing the … [read full article]
Chalk up yet another video from the folks at Telekom Presse showing off the upcoming Blackberry Z10. The Z10, better known to us on T-Mobile as the “Lisbon,” is set to be unveiled on January 30th at Blackberry’s launch event. According to the most recent T-Mobile roadmap, the Z10 aka Lisbon will launch on Magenta store shelves on March 27th. … [read full article]