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Analysts Turn Sour on AT&T, T-Mobile Deal Prospects

According to a report by the Financial Times, a large number of “analysts” now rate the chances for an AT&T, T-Mobile deal at less than 50%. Some analysts are even going so far as to rate the deal as only having a 20% chance of success for government approval. Bankers are noting that in order for the deal to win approval, AT&T will have to … [read full article]

T-Mobile Setting Aside Millions Of Dollars To Keep “Top Employees”

While T-Mobile and AT&T continue efforts to seal their relationship, T-Mobile USA is setting aside cash in order to keep top employees on board should the deal go through. According to a Wall Street Journal report, T-Mobile has set aside $64 million dollars during the last two quarters, which earnings reports have listed as costs involving “primarily consisting of employee-relating expenses.” A Deutsche … [read full article]