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T-Mobile LG V40 ThinQ arriving early for some pre-order customers

The LG V40 ThinQ is scheduled to launch at T-Mobile on October 19th, but some lucky pre-order customers are getting their new phone a few days early. TmoNews reader Nick got their LG V40 ThinQ today, well ahead of the phone’s official release. The V40 has made a good first impression, with Nick saying that that it’s a “well made device” and that the “screen is … [read full article]

T-Mobile testing 36-month payment option for Equipment Installment Plan

T-Mobile’s Equipment Installment plan lets you spread out the cost of a new smartphone over 24 months, but some customers are now seeing a slightly different EIP payment option. TmoNews reader P Doobs recently noticed that when viewing the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 on T-Mobile’s website, T-Mo offered them a 36-month EIP option at $24.17 per month. The 36-month EIP option showed up for me too, but wasn’t available … [read full article]