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Check out Sprint’s new offer, seem familiar?

Yesterday, it was revealed that Sprint would be offering customers a chance to earn up to $650 to switch to its Framily plan. Sound familiar? It should. It’s pretty much a term-for-term copy of T-Mobile’s Uncarrier 4.0 “Contract Freedom” phase. But, unlike Tmo’s offer, it’s only for a limited time between April 4th and May 8th. Sprint will give customers up to $300 service credit for … [read full article]

Credit Score changes allow up to 5 lines and reduced deposits for lower-scoring customers

One of the biggest challenges for phone retail staff when selling contracts is signing up lower credit class customers. In T-Mobile’s case specifically, deposits are required for anyone with low credit score. This is pretty common practice, and not only in the States. As a former T-Mobile UK staff member, it was one of the worst feelings having worked through … [read full article]