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Updated X2: Deal Alert: Walmart Selling T-Mobile Galaxy Note For $349.99, No Contract

Update: Sounds like the deal may have been short-lived as many of you are complaining of canceled orders. Perhaps the pricing was a mistake and the influx of orders alerted someone to the problem.  Walmart says the price was incorrectly stated and has canceled all existing orders. Boo.  No, your eyes aren’t deceiving you, Walmart is in fact selling the … [read full article]

Internal Samsung Email Accidentally Admitted Into Trial, Just How Much Will It Hurt Samsung?

In a candid email exchange, Samsung’s Mobile Head of Communications JK Shin highlighted the difference between Apple and Samsung smartphones as the “difference between heaven and earth.” This memo was one that Samsung had sought to keep out of the trial and unfortunately was admitted as Samsung legal counsel mentioned the “crisis of design” in a question to Samsung strategist … [read full article]