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T-Mobile Asks FCC To Stop Shot Clock On Verizon Spectrum Purchase

T-Mobile, along with Sprint, DirecTV and the Rural Telecommunications Group have filed a letter with the Federal Communications Commission requesting that the FCC stop the clock on Verizon’s proposed AWS spectrum purchases. The groups primary concern surrounds the amount of redacted material in Verizon’s own FCC filings leads to an unclear picture of its agreements with the cable companies involved with the … [read full article]

T-Mobile Launching Promotional Data Family Discounts On March 7th

We’ve just received this little goody in our inbox highlight a brand new promotion T-Mobile is set to launch March 7th. So what is this plan I speak of? T-Mobile’s new Promotional Data Family Discounts “…will be available to help family plan customers lower the cost of adding data to more lines. Family plan customers add data more often to their first two primary … [read full article]

T-Mobile Fun Facts For Post Leap-Day Celebration

Ok, so this post was probably better suited for yesterday, but T-Mobile decided to take a quick look back at what things were like in the wireless industry the last time a leap year occurred. Four years is definitely a lifetime in the wireless market and T-Mobile has a few quick stats and records to help point out how much the industry has progressed since the … [read full article]