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T-Mobile iPhone BOGO deal ending November 27th

If you’ve been thinking about taking advantage of T-Mobile’s BOGO deal to get yourself a free iPhone, you’ll have to make a decision soon. T-Mobile has confirmed to TmoNews that its iPhone BOGO offer will end tomorrow, November 27th, meaning you’ve got today and tomorrow to take advantage of the deal. The BOGO offer on the LG and Samsung phones will continue after tomorrow. With this deal, you can … [read full article]

T-Mobile launching new BOGO deal on flagship smartphones on November 17th

Black Friday isn’t happening until November 24th, but T-Mobile has decided to kick off its holiday deals a bit earlier. Starting November 17th, T-Mobile will launch a Buy One, Get One deal on flagship smartphones from Apple, LG, and Samsung. Like some of T-Mo’s other recent BOGO deals, you’ll need to add a new line and purchase both phones on EIP to qualify for this … [read full article]

iOS 11.1.1 update now available, includes ‘i’ autocorrect fix

A little more than a week after releasing iOS 11.1, Apple has followed it up with another software update. iOS 11.1.1 is now available for the iPhone and iPad, and it focuses on fixing two specific bugs. First is the autocorrect bug that’s causing some devices to replace “i” with “A[?]”, and second is a bug that makes the “Hey Siri” hotword stop working. This is a … [read full article]