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Happy New Year from TmoNews!

2014 was an amazing year for T-Mobile, and a great year for TmoNews. We’ve had so much to talk about, get excited over and get annoyed at with T-Mo. Whether it was all the fantastic Uncarrier moves like offering to pay of ETFs, giving everyone free music streaming or a 7-day test-drive, the carrier has been at the forefront of competitive moves in the wireless industry. It’s why … [read full article]

BlackBerry ends contract with T-Mobile, from April 25 devices will no longer be for sale

Late last night, BlackBerry announced that it has ended its commercial relationship with T-Mobile. Its current licensing contract ends on April 25, and it will not be renewed. CEO John Chen stated: “Regretfully, at this time, our strategies are not complementary and we must act in the best interest of our BlackBerry customers,” BlackBerry and T-Mobile’s relationship over the past … [read full article]