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Reuters: Samsung looking to buy BlackBerry for $7.5B [Update: BlackBerry denies rumor]

It’s not often a non-T-Mobile related story pops up that I think is big enough to warrant sharing with TmoNews readers, but the latest exclusive from Reuters is definitely an exception. The well-respected publication reports that Samsung has made an offer to buy BlackBerry for “as much as $7.5 billion”. Allegedly, Samsung’s prime motivation is to “gain access to its patent portfolio”. … [read full article]

T-Mobile in 2014 – A year in review

Having had such a good year in 2013, I wasn’t all that optimistic about 2014. After all, following up an industry changing year with another is as difficult as releasing a great second album or movie sequel. I mean, you’ve all watched The Matrix Reloaded, right? But, being the ever-persistent Un-carrier, T-Mo decided not to pay any attention to the script. Instead, its 2014 was … [read full article]