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Holiday Offerings From T-Mobile

This holiday season, T-Mobile will have something for everyone, or at least that is what it seems when you look at their upcoming handsets for the coming months.  You should already know the Cliq by now (if not, then you need to come out from under that rock more often) and we have already shown you the Android powered Behold II.  T-Mobile also has another Android phone … [read full article]

Wi-Fi Calling For Blackberries


Soon, T-Mobile will be set up to allow corporate customers who use Blackberries to make calls over their office Wi-Fi connections without using up cell plan minutes (hey, this sounds familiar).  Then, as a neat trick, the call will be automatically switched to T-Mobiles network after said Blackberry user is outside of their Wi-Fi network’s range.  T-Mobile “will charge a flat monthly fee on top of cellular rates,” all in an effort … [read full article]

More Proof T-mobile Rules In Wireless Customer Service

As wireless customers we put an unusually high amount of reliance in our cell phones and for good reason: portability is a key factor in our lives. When the cell phone stops working, it’s almost as if life slows down to a crawl along with it. That being said, among the four major carriers, which survives the real world test of customer service? No JD power awards to be given here–just real world testing under real world … [read full article]

T-Mobile Seeking Additional Spectrum

According to the Wall Street Journal, T-Mobile asked that an additional spectrum, currently reserved for public safety channels, be freed up for commercial carriers.  AT&T, on the other hand, wants to keep the spectrum open for public safety organizations but supports that the spectrum be reserved for LTE (and hey, T-Mobile is up for that).  The spectrum in question, if you care, is the 700 D … [read full article]

Deutsche Telekom Shareholders Want Action

It’s only been a few days since the recent round of rumors peg Deutsche Telekom looking into acquisition of Sprint and yet, another option has presented itself. Unfortunately, though this option has a much less positive spin than the acquisition of the third and fourth place wireless players in the US would have.  Coming on the heels of the T-mobile UK merger with Orange in the UK, the two big shareholders … [read full article]

T-Mobile and Customer Care Just Go Together

It seems like once again T-Mobile stands alone tied for the highest ranking among those tested in the J.D. Power and Associates 2009 Wireless Customer Care Performance Study.  This honor has been received by T-mobile nine, with only two ties, out of the last 10 customer care studies.  The study showed that: T-Mobile ranked highest in a tie among all wireless providers in Overall Customer Care … [read full article]

April 21 Not An Android Launch Event?


  Settle down, before anyone gets to upset, according to the folks over at Gizmodo, T-mobile has scheduled an event with RIM on the other side of the pond over in London. While the American bloggers such as myself are all in a tizzy hoping for Android related news, the UK event is definitely a Blackberry launch with Pocket-Lint reporting that their invitation states: “T-Mobile and RIM invite you … [read full article]

You Heard It Here First!


You heard it here first, on April 15th T-mobile is going to be announcing major changes to their rate plans. We have NO idea what that means, if this is a public announcement or internal, but we know the announcement exists. On the announcement note however, Engadget is reporting that T-mobile has invited press to an event April 21st. Our invitation may have gotten lost in the mail!  Billed as a “private … [read full article]