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T-Mobile writes to FCC regarding wireless competition, slams other carriers in the process

The FCC’s annual report on the state of mobile wireless competition is coming up, and in advance of the report, T-Mobile has filed a letter to the FCC to comment on the wireless industry. In its filing, T-Mobile managed to say that the wireless industry is competitive while also talking up its actions and slamming those of the other carriers. T-Mo explains that … [read full article]

Reuters: FCC unlikely to side with T-Mobile over 600MHz spectrum auction terms

With every spectrum auction comes the potential for T-Mobile to add more much-needed airwaves to its portfolio. Sadly, it also comes with months of lobbying, petitions and various other forms of general coaxing by different companies trying to make sure they get the best terms possible. In T-Mobile’s case, that’s never been truer than with the 600MHz incentive auction due to … [read full article]