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Microsoft Unveils Windows Phone 8, Details Upgrade Process For Current Handsets

Microsoft is in the midst of unveiling their next generation smartphone platform in Windows Phone 8 and so far, I’m loving what I’m seeing. Google and Apple take note, Microsoft is working hard to raise their game through the addition of long-requested features along with a brand new Start Screen which frankly speaking, looks freaking awesome. A lot of what we’re seeing … [read full article]

Why T-Mobile Reps Love Windows Phone, A Video By Microsoft

So why do T-Mobile employees love Windows Phone? T-Mobile recently held an internal competition asking reps why they loved Windows Phone and now Microsoft has posted the below video to their official Windows Phone YouTube channel. The winners won an XBOX 360 with Kinect and while the reps made their own video submissions leading Microsoft to compile the best of and put together … [read full article]

Nokia Lumia 710 Tango Software Update Coming June 20th

Lumia 710 owners take not, come June 20th you’ll want to be on the lookout for the Windows Phone *Tango* update. Windows Phone update 7.10.8773 brings a host of improvements and additions that are definitely worth the upgrade. Users will be notified through push notifications sent from Microsoft informing them the update is available through the Zune software. Internet sharing enabled Resolves keyboard disappearing … [read full article]