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18 months later, Sprint copies T-Mobile international roaming feature

It’s become something of a pattern since the Uncarrier movements started a couple of years back: T-Mobile unleashes a program or plan, and another carrier copies it. Whether that’s separating the plan and cost of the phone in to two separate deals, or offering early upgrade plans. T-Mobile does it, and the rest follow suit in a bid to remain competitive. One of those … [read full article]

RootMetrics: T-Mobile and Verizon joint top performers in Denver

With RootMetrics network reports these days it seems each tells the same tale, regardless of location: T-Mobile is the fastest, Verizon is the most reliable. And that’s certainly true of the most recent report published by the independent network testing company. After performing over 25,000 call, data and texting tests in Denver, RootMetrics found that T-Mobile was – on average – the fastest of … [read full article]

RootMetrics network report: Verizon and T-Mobile share 1st place in Philadelphia

T-Mobile regularly states that its data network is the fastest in the country, proudly using its “Data Strong” brand promise as often as it can. But it wasn’t until earlier this year that RootMetrics’ independent reports started catching up with what the carrier already knew. Perhaps a reason why – in the past – the company’s chiefs have mocked the RootMetrics results for being out … [read full article]