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Virgin Mobile Takes On T-Mobile’s Carly Ads, AT&T Customer Service

Looks like Virgin Mobile is joining the ranks of Cricket in poking fun at T-Mobile’s AT&T takeover with a new ad campaign that emphasizes Virgin’s “cheaper than T-Mobile” pricing. In this television spot called “party,” Virgin’s ridiculous attempt to poke fun at the Spencer and Heidi “The Hills” phenomenon includes a white set with an imitation Carly spokeswoman in the ever so familiar pink dress. With … [read full article]

T-Mobile Posts Carly Commercial Promoting T-Mobile’s “Best Plan Ever”

T-Mobile is taking this whole $49.99 each line two line promotional family plan seriously with a thirty-second commercial spot promoting it. Of course, Carly is the main star even even though T-Mobile calls this its “Best Plan Ever” which is noteworthy in and of itself. Those are some bold words considering some of the excellent rate plans T-Mobile has had over the years. Watch for yourself and … [read full article]

T-Mobile Marketing At Its Finest, In Barcelona

[youtube][/youtube] Once again our overseas brethren prove that their marketing creativity knows no bounds with a real life Angry Birds demonstration in Barcelona. This was set up on May 11th and it’s been making the internet rounds ever since and by popular demand we’re finally getting it posted. So enjoy the 1:41 of pure Angry Birds fun and try to remember that while we in America never get to … [read full article]

AT&T Commercial Says They Are Planning To Combine With T-Mobile

[youtube][/youtube] It’s not like AT&T’s proposed merger of T-Mobile is a big secret so this commercial isn’t in any way a surprise though the leaving out of any T-Mobile logo is. That not withstanding quite a few of you have already caught this during the NBA Finals, Nascar races or various other times during the day but for some reason it has yet to appear on … [read full article]