Archive | September, 2008

Stay Classy San Diego…

Good evening San Diego and welcome to another edition of Tmonews, here’s what happening in your world tonight. Tonights top story is a T-mobile 3G launch announcement. Let’s go to Brian Fantana who’s live on the scene with a Tmonews exclusive. Brian? Thanks David, today T-mobile, the number four wireless carrier announces yet another city in their slow but sure progression toward taking over the wireless world. This is … [read full article]

More Android goodness…

While the videos may be taken from a qualcomm phone that looks like its back from the Zack Morris days as mentioned in the article, Android performs pretty damn well on a phone that thankfully doesn’t look anything like what we can expect. More videos after the jump here. Thanks to Android Community! P.S. –Sorry for getting this up late guys, I didn’t have any power this morning and I’m just trying … [read full article]

Orlando get ready to rock 3G…

That’s right residents of Orlando soon you will be enjoying the beauty, the majesty that is 3G technology. While its still two weeks away my inbox this morning had an anonymously attached pdf announcemnt for rallying up the Orlando troops for an exciting launch. Few things are more exciting than when your carrier announces 3G for your city, save for free coffee hours at Starbucks but you … [read full article]

We Will Never Forget…

Today we take a few moments from lusting after Android, wondering when our cities gets 3G and remember a fateful day. September 11th in one way or another changed all of our lives, it brought all of us together and reminded all of us just how vulnerable we are. September 11th will always be remembered as a tragedy, a day that altered the course of our nation forever. We … [read full article]

T-mobile outlines developer program…

Here are some details of the forthcoming developer program. Moconews sat down with two T-mobile employees responsible for the programs development at CTIA today. Remember this does not include Android products and Sidekicks: — The process: Espinoza: “This is designed to make dealing with T-Mobile as easy as possible…There’s no more having to know who to talk to.” Next week, the site will provide a rate card, outlining the standard business arrangement … [read full article]

Dotson keynote…much ado about nothing

Ok, today is the big day, the start of CTIA and the keynote of Mr. Magenta himself, Robert Dotson! Here we go: And nothing, turns out the keynotes were more of a panel discussion with the CEO’s of Sprint, Verizon and T-mobile answering questions via a moderator. The only real noteworthy statement regarding anything anyone is remotely interested in was this: “When we look at the consumer space, the most important piece is how to unleash all … [read full article]