Archive | September, 2008

Ok, your thoughts on today…

First let me say thanks to everyone who has viewed the site today and helping give us our highest page views ever! The forums are busier than ever and its thanks to you, loyal readers, dearest fans and Mom…thanks for well uh, making sure I was up on time. [poll id=”3″] Picture courtesy of


Pre-order will only be black and brown, white will be available at national launch No UMA, wifi is available. Push gmail, pull email, html client, NO corporate email access as of right now Pre-order available today, National launch of October 22nd Customers in 3G areas may purchase a retail location, customers in 2G areas may demo a phone at a retail location and then purchase phone online Data plans are $25 dollars, 400 messages/unlimited web—-$35 unlimited both … [read full article]

Confirmed info leaks…

“Available in all stores within 3G boundary area, regardless of whether or not store is in a 3G dead spot. Available in some locations directly outside of the 3G boundary area due to the fact that some customers who live in the 3G boundary area shop within a 2 – 5 mile radius and the store they would go to is outside of the 3G boundary area. For those stores … [read full article]

T-mobile considering free Gmail?

Listen, I’m a google fanatic, gmail, gcal andreader are tools that run my day. Having access to them is all but essential for me to operate this site along with keeping track of tonights premiere of Heroes!!! With that in mind I came across this CNN article a few minutes ago and the idea is intriguing. Clearly we chalk this up to rumor only for the moment but nothing can be ruled … [read full article]

Sweet home Chicago!

Chicago, Chicago, my kind of town. Home to the Nations tallest building, the worlds best baseball team and the best hot dogs on earth. Now, you can add 3G services by the best wireless carrier. That’s right Chi-town magenta lovers, September 25th you go live. That’s right, Tuesday you get Android, Thursday you have one more reason to want it. Cubbies!!!!