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And the veil has been lifted!


Alright Tmonews readers we’ve got some exciting news for you! Yes, that’s right, finally something to get your heart jumping, your blood flowing, and your adrenaline racing…the merger between Suncom and T-Mobile is finally winding down to completion, and we’ve got the scoop! The magic happens on September 5th, when Suncom officially becomes T-Mobile and [most likely] will display the T-Mobile tag on all current Suncom phones. … [read full article]

Feature suggestion… we need your help

TmoNews is working on coming up with some fresh, new ideas for this blog that will ROCK. YOUR. WORLD… or, at least keep things a little more interesting around here. And just to get it out of the way, blog news is NOT coming to a halt and we will NOT stop bringing you news, that is coming back soon. We’re more interested in what you all might have to say about features then just churning out … [read full article]

Dearest fans

Attention one and all, I think its time we level with our adoring public. We as the owners and administrators of this website have thought long and hard about how to best come forward to discuss our recent activity or lack thereof. We love our readers, we really do (plz don’t stalk us now), and its our only wish to bring you the very best of T-mobile news every day. … [read full article]

Vacation's Over… get back to work!!

And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for, the return of TmoNews! We just flew back from vacation and boy, are our arms tired! So yeah, it went a little longer than we thought it would and for that we all apologize, but in the end we get to come back to writing about our favorite cellular carrier – T-Mobile! w00t! Now okay, in all seriousness, it doesn’t look like we’ll be in full swing for … [read full article]

TmoNews is going on vacation

TmoNews Forums Logo

Update 6/8/08: Just an FYI, but we should be coming back real soon. No, really… we mean it this time ;) Avid T-mobile fans, TmoNews has some unfortunate news. Well, unfortunate for you, we’re pretty excited actually. Thats right, we’re going on vacation! This means, we’re sorry to say, that we will not be able to bring you T-mobile News on the blog everyday. However there is a bit of an upside here. TmoNews Forums will be … [read full article]

TmoNews adds T-mobile Forums!

First TmoNews brought you the only T-mobile blog on the net. We’ve been getting tons of comments on our big articles. But comments aren’t enough, they don’t really allow for convenient discussion and also limit you to the topic of the post. Wow, we wish someone would fix this… May we present you with our solution: TmoNews T-mobile Forums Thats right you avid … [read full article]

Welcome to TmoNews

Welcome all you T-mobile fanatics. Here, at T-MoBlog, we will keep you updates on everything you need to know about T-mobile. Who, do you ask, are we? Well, we would love to tell you, but lets keep it a secret for now. Lets just say we know information, that you want to know. We usually know before Engadget and BGR do too. Show your friends, show your enemies, we don’t care, we just want to get this … [read full article]