T-Mobile Rolls Out 5G Network Slicing Beta for Developers

Earlier today, T-Mobile announced its new 5G network slicing beta for developers. This is a new technology they are offering to developers who want to “supercharge” their video calling apps with 5G SA. This rollout makes T-Mobile as the leader for game-changing capability for developers.
Along with this, T-Mo has invited developers to sign up to test its network for their video calling apps. This is particularly exciting for apps that need consistent uplink and downlink speeds with low latency and increased reliability.
T-Mobile’s President of Technology, Ulf Ewaldsson, shared this statement in the release:
“The wireless industry has talked about 5G network slicing for years and at T-Mobile we’ve been putting in the work to bring it to life. Thanks to our nationwide 5G SA network, T-Mobile is the only operator in the country capable of unlocking this technology so developers can immediately begin creating applications that can one day provide tangible benefits to wireless users everywhere.”
The network slicing beta is currently available to iOS developers based in San Francisco and Seattle. But the Un-carrier expects to expand this nationwide later this year. They also plan to bring in Android developers soon.
To know more about the beta program, you can visit this page.
Source: T-Mobile