T-Mobile gives fans chance to vent against Big Internet in new Rage Cage

Last week, T-Mobile announced a new sweepstakes and a few events that were in line with the 2022 MLB All-Star Weekend. And earlier today, the Un-carrier continued its Rage Against Big Internet Tour in California. The event was made even more special with the appearance of nine-time All-Star Vlad Guerrero Sr.
T-Mobile’s Rage Against Big Internet Tour makes it easier for customers to ditch their old providers. In the events, T-Mo is offering access to its 5G Home Internet, which has recently been expanded to 32 cities and towns throughout the state of California. With this expansion, Home Internet is now available to almost half of all households throughout the state.
Last weekend, T-Mobile was at Santa Monica for the second installation of its Rage Against Big Internet Tour. During the event, T-Mo introduced a new Rage Cage, a custom pitching cage that allowed fans to express their rage against Big Internet. Participants got three chances to hit the points on every turn.
You can also take part in T-Mo’s Rage Cage. For more information, you can visit this page.
Source: T-Mobile