Tag Archives: Hack

Who Really Wins in Class Action Lawsuits?

In cases of a lawsuit, who really wins in the end? Is it the carrier, who disgruntled customers sued and are required to pay millions of dollars? Or is it the complainants, who win in their fight against the carriers but also win with some remuneration in the end? It’s actually neither– because in the end, it’s the lawyers that win for representing customers.  As reported by PhoneArena, the … [read full article]

T-Mobile encounters second hack for 2023


For the second time this year, T-Mobile experienced a data breach. The breach took place sometime between February and March 2023.  Bleeping Computer reported that the Un-carrier sent out a notification letter to customers who were impacted by the attack last April 28th. In the letter, the wireless company detailed how they were affected by the hacker.  “While we have a number of safeguards in place to alert us to … [read full article]

T-Mobile agrees to settle $500M over massive 2021 hack

The massive 2021 hack involving T-Mobile’s customers finally comes to an end. Today, the Un-carrier has agreed to settle the class-action lawsuit from the hack by paying $500 million. The proposed agreement filling entails T-Mobile will be paying $350 million as settlement fund for lawyers, fees, and to the people who filed claims. The remaining $150 million will be spent to improve its “data security and related technology” for 2022 and 2023.  The 2021 hack exposed the … [read full article]

Group of teenage hackers arrested after hacking into T-Mobile’s systems


Over the weekend, T-Mobile was on the headlines after reports of a security breach orchestrated by a group of teenagers. T-Mobile has since confirmed the attack and said that the “systems accessed contained no customer or government information or other similarly sensitive information.” The incident was first reported by Krebs on Security, who revealed that the Lapsus$ hacking group managed to steal T-Mo’s source code in … [read full article]

Report suggests T-Mobile tried to buy back hacked customer info


Do you still remember the massive data breach that took place with T-Mobile last August? We still do and can recall that over 54 million of customers had their data compromised. There are new reports, however, that reveal that T-Mo attempted to buy the leaked data affected in the hack.  As a result of the hack, T-Mobile announced a multi-year partnership with Mandiant, a cybersecurity firm. … [read full article]

T-Mobile encounters new data breach


Update (12/29/21 2:29 pm): T-Mobile has confirmed the attack to BleepingComputer and shared that they already sent out a message to affected customers: “We informed a very small number of customers that the SIM card assigned to a mobile number on their account may have been illegally reassigned or limited account information was viewed. Unauthorized SIM swaps are unfortunately a common industry-wide occurrence, however this issue was quickly corrected by our team, using our … [read full article]

More numbers coming in for T-Mobile’s 2021 Cybersecurity attack


T-Mobile has revealed further information about the recent cybersecurity attack. Aside from the earlier 48 million victims, there are another 5.3 million existing T-Mobile postpaid customers that have been found to be part of the hack.  The newly discovered victims had their customer names, addresses, birthdays, phone numbers, IMEIs and IMSIs illegally accessed by the hackers. Unlike the first report, these accounts did not have their SSNs … [read full article]

T-Mobile confirms recent cybersecurity attack involves 48 million victims


Once again, T-Mobile has given an update on their latest findings regarding the recent data breach. Although the investigation is still ongoing, the company revealed the extent of the attack today.  According to T-Mobile’s preliminary analysis, the attack was able to obtain records of more than 40 million “former or prospective customers” that applied for credit, as well as 7.8 million existing postpaid customers.  The data that … [read full article]

T-Mobile: Working “with highest degree of urgency” to verify extent of hack


Yesterday, it was revealed that T-Mobile was the latest victim of a massive customer data breach. T-Mo has since confirmed the report in a statement. And today, the Un-Carrier has released a blog post to give an update of the incident.  T-Mobile says that they “have been working around the clock to investigate claims” on illegally accessed data. The Un-Carrier promised that they “take … [read full article]