Google Now Selling Galaxy Nexus HSPA+ Accessories Through Google Play Store

Google’s looking to rely more and more on their Google Play channel for selling products as they introduce accessories to the Galaxy Nexus page. Unfortunately, there aren’t any new devices here, at least not yet, but we do have a Desktop Dock with Pogo Pin, HDMI Portrait Desktop Dock and Vehicle Dock. Going for $54, $49, and $54 respectively, the addition of accessories to the Google Play store indicates Google’s likely looking to put more and more online and sell straight to customers.

Could this be yet another sign that Google is preparing to unleash a bevy of devices relying on direct-to-customer offerings through their Play store? It may be to early to tell, but we’re betting folks around here and I’d say this is another sign that Google is putting emphasis on the size and scope of their Play store and its customer reach.

Google Play

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