TmoNews Forums Hits 10,000 Community Members!

If you’ve been following us on Twitter at all, or better yet if you’re a registered member on our awesome forums, you would have seen we’ve finally passed the 10,000 registered members mark today (Hip hip horay!). We’ve come a long long way, and we’re definitely hoping to continue with this success. While we’re on the subject of our Forums, let me just briefly include a couple of our most popular boards/threads. For those rocking the new Samsung Vibrant, you can find all your Vibrant needs in the Samsung Android board, including how to root your Vibrant, how to unlock you’re Vibrant and enable AT&T 3G, power saving tips, and much much more. Excited for the upcoming T-Mobile G2 with Google? Well then, there’s a thread for that as well! Discuss all your excitement in the T-Mobile G2, the Revolution Continues thread! For those still lurking around our forums as Guests’, register now and join in on the various discussions with our awesome community!

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