Motorola Cliq Update Delayed


Update: Some users in the comments and via Twitter are reporting that if you do a manual search for updates, its available!

To say that a lot of you have been angrily awaiting the expected Motorola Cliq update this week would be putting it mildly. Frustration has turned to anger judging by the comments as Motorola Cliq fans all but demand their updates. Whether or not you agree or disagree with the Motorola OTA rollout timetable usually spanning across a number of days, there is a good reason it has yet to see appear on your phones. As it turns out there has been a slight delay, till the 22nd in fact. Counting today, that’s just four days and since you’ve waited this long for improvements, another few days really shouldn’t hurt. However, if you’ve been wondering just where the hell your update is, guess you’re waiting a little bit longer.

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