T-Mobile Planning G-Surf, G-Tablet And A Reader’s Cafe?

Well the US Patent and Trademark office is just full of goodies this week as those eagle eyed folks at Pocketnow.com came up with some T-Mobile trademarks that are very interesting. The G-Surf, G-Slate and Reader’s Café were all filed for on the same day. Even more interesting is that this was a pair of trademarks on each phrase, one covering goods and the other one covering services so we could looking at twice the fun. Pocketnow uncovered that the G-Slate and G-Surf are looking for protection against “cellular phones and cellular-enabled tablet computers,” as well as the standard deal of voice, data and text. So we could be looking at two tablets, one tablet or a rocket ship.

As for Reader’s Café, that certainly sounds a little more decipherable as we can, at first glance imagine it’s a bookstore of sorts. The trademark application states “online retail store services featuring downloadable audio works, visual works, audiovisual works, computer software, and electronic publications featuring books, magazines, newspapers, periodicals, newsletters, journals and manuals on a variety of topics provided via global computer networks, wireless networks, and electronic communications networks.”

As of now no wireless carrier has ventured into the downloadable book space but T-Mobile may want to try their hand at something new. As of now, we just can’t say what any of this means or what devices these names might be “code” for but I can imagine we’ll be keeping a sharp eye on the trademark office for the foreseeable future.


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