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T-Mobile 7.2Mbps HSPA Hath Cometh?!?

UPDATE: Its almost 3am and I’m up for some reason but I just wanted to clarify that we have yet to verify any upgrades actually took place in the last few days. Please take the following as a major rumor as we didn’t want to miss this happening, but there is currently little evidence to support it. —–David

Reports are coming in of T-Mobile subscribers experiencing 7.2Mbps 3G speeds. The guys over an AndroidandMe have recieved reports of 7.2Mbps 3G roll out and have so far confirmed in 2 cities, Chicago, IL and New York, New York. With 3G speeds ranging from 3mbps to 5mbps this will more than definitely make up for the nationwide outage yesterday. Could this be the reason for the outage on Tuesday? Users are reporting that a simple reboot will enable the lightening fast 3G speeds. Hit the jump for pics of speedtest results taken by users. Are you experiencing increased 3G speeds? Feel free to let us know in the comments!


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