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T-Mobile will soon add all customers to new policy that shares information with advertisers


Recently, there are reports that T-Mobile will be implementing a new privacy policy that will allow them to share certain customer information with third-party advertisers. And according to the reports, T-Mobile’s new policy is somewhat similar to AT&T and Verizon. 

Beginning April 26, T-Mobile will automatically enroll all customers to the new program. But there is an option to manually opt out from participating in the program by using your account’s privacy tools. Back when T-Mobile and Sprint were still two separate companies, Sprint offered an opt-in service instead of an opt-out one.

The report shares that the new policy will allow the carriers to share user data with third-party marketers so they could provide more relevant ads. The carriers, however, say that the information they will be sharing will not reveal the individual identities of customers. They also say that information from a child’s device or service will not be shared. 

Unfortunately, this is something that many are adamant about. This is why companies are doing their best to make this practice less intrusive. 

But if you are really against this, you can head over to your account privacy tools to opt out of the program. You can click here to learn how you can be in control of your account privacy.


Source: 1

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