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T-Mobile gets in on the Star Wars fun with ‘Un-carrier: The Binge Awakens’ opening crawl


In-between starting his slow cooker and celebrating Christmas Eve, John Legere today found the time to share a fun little video that mashes up two of 2015’s hottest topics: Star Wars and T-Mobile.

The video features a T-Mo riff on the classic Star Wars opening crawl, which is at the start of each movie and is meant to give information on the events leading up to the film. For the T-Mobile version, titled “The Binge Awakens,” we’re treated to a story of the major carriers “grasping at anything they can to maintain control over a broken, arrogant industry.” Enter The Un-carrier Rebellion, led by Jedi Master Legere, who launch Binge On to free customers’ data.

The opening crawl ends with a tease for the next Un-carrier move. “Knowing that the carriers continue to try and thwart efforts by the Un-carrier,” it says, “Legere plans the next move, staying one step ahead of the competition and keeping the people’s interest at heart.”

Star Wars seems to be everywhere these days, including oranges and water bottles, so it’s no surprise to see it get mashed up with T-Mobile, too. Legere is typically calls himself Batman, but I’m sure that he wouldn’t mind being a Jedi that wields the Force and a magenta lightsaber. The question is, which roles would the other T-Mo execs fill? Perhaps Mike Sievert could be Han Solo and Neville Ray could be Chewbacca?

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