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Are you happy with T-Mobile moving you from legacy to Simple Choice plans?


Back in August we were informed that T-Mobile had started sending out post cards to customers saying that they would be moved from their legacy plans on to one of the more current offerings. For most, that’s  moving on to Simple Choice. For a lot of customers the benefits of moving to Simple Choice far outweigh the inconvenience of losing their old plans. But for some, it’s not as pleasant a transition.

A growing thread of loyal T-Mobile customers is growing on Howard Forums with many complaining about being “forced” to switch to a plan that offers them less than they currently get. As with any complaints like this, in comparison to the amount of customers T-Mobile has, it’s a vocal few who seem to be affected. But many of those feel as though they aren’t getting a proper response from T-Mo. They certainly feel strongly enough about it to try and push for change (or at least explanation).

Obviously, the reason for this switch over is to keep things simple for staff and customers. Having so many old plans on system makes for a poor customer experience, especially if they end up dealing with someone who doesn’t know anything about the older, legacy price plans. Getting rid of old plans, getting rid of corporate discounts are all measures to ensure they can continue offering the same value to all its customers. But that’s no reassurance to the angry few who feel like they’re missing out, or being bullied in to the new plans.

So, I wanted – after receiving a number of emails – to figure out how widespread an issue this is. Did you receive a postcard from T-Mo? If so, are you happy with being switched on to one of the newer plans? Or do you prefer your older one? Use the comments below to sound off and take part in our poll embedded below to let us know how your feel.

How do you feel about T-Mo’s handling of legacy to Simple Choice switch?

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