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Consumer Reports Survey Lists AT&T As Least Satisfying Wireless Company, T-Mobile Brings Up The Middle

Looking for a reason to continue hoping the AT&T deal doesn’t go through with T-Mobile? Try a Consumer Reports survey that places AT&T dead last in both postpaid and prepaid categories for customer satisfaction. While Consumer Report surveys aren’t always weighed with the utmost of accuracy, the result of the 22 metropolitan areas breakdown didn’t result in any cities giving AT&T the top position for wireless satisfaction.

T-Mobile on the other hand took the top spot in Austin, Texas; Boston, Massachusetts and Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota. Verizon was the clear winner in this survey taking the top spot in 12 out of the 22 cities leaving Sprint and U.S. Cellular to duke it out for the other 7 cities. T-Mobile might have taken the third place spot on the postpaid chart but still managed to trounce AT&T along with Sprint, Verizon and a host of regional providers.

While we don’t have a copy of the full report on hand, AllThingsD reports that the magazine gave special mention to T-Mobile’s Value Plan offerings which are often difficult to completely grasp, but over time result in savings for T-Mobile customers.

AT&T offered up AllThingsD expressing a concern over the survey and using it as a learning opportunity while reiterating the company’s continued efforts to make their service better. AT&T of course added in an extra line to AllThingsD about how customers would benefit if they were allowed to buy T-Mobile yada yada.

“While we’ll of course evaluate and learn from the Consumer Reports survey, we made significant progress in our network in 2011 including a 25 percent improvement 3G dropped call performance, 48,000 network improvements (more capacity, new cell sites, faster data speeds, and better connections), and many billions of dollars in capital investment to continue to improve our network,” the company said in a statement to AllThingsD.

Consumer Reports, AllThingsD


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