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Is The Samsung Vibrant Night Mode A Worthwhile Replacement To Flash?

The Samsung Vibrant has undoubtedly been one of the most discussed phones in the history of TmoNews. One of the most prevalent discussion topics was the lack of flash as so many of you described this as an egregious error on Samsung’s part and a huge mistake in general for a device of this magnitude. Since the time the Vibrant has come out however, “night time mode” has been put through its paces and been shown to be equal to the task for its purpose. Is it a direct flash replacement? Not really. Is it a viable alternative? That’s argumentative at best. What we have seen however, combined with what we have heard from Vibrant users is that the add on of nighttime mode has proven to be quite handy for nighttime shots and has for some, made up for the lack of a proper flash. Some of you may very well stay away from the Vibrant because of a lack of flash, or a front facing camera or simply because its Samsung, but for those of you on the fence, a few Vibrant users wanted you to see what nighttime mode can do.

For Vibrant users who are as of yet unfamiliar with this feature, Camera, Sidebar ( the arrow), Settings, Scene Mode, Night.

Along with the below shots, our friends at Droiddog have posted a large gallery of videos and images that will give you an even better idea of what one can expect from the Vibrant camera. Also, XDA-Developers has a forum thread with a few images.

I take no credit for the below images, you can all thank two TmoNews readers who were kind enough to put it together and send them in…





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