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T-Mobile Considering Partnership With Clearwire


Hmm, here is a bit of interesting news.  Reuters is reporting that T-Mo is trying to find a way to boost its spectrum capacity.  Within this goal, the company is considering forming a joint venture with Clearwire.  According to Robert Dotson, the chief executive of T-Mobile USA, the company is “looking for additional spectrum… there are a number of different options we look at, (we) have been talking with cable companies, with Clearwire,…”

The big magenta does not believe the national broadband plan, recently forwarded to Congress by the FCC, will be of help in its goal.  Dotson also responded to a question about a merger with Sprint.  He said, “What you never want to do is take one company that is going through challenges and take another company going through challenges” and put them together.  It is interesting that Clearwire is Sprint’s big partner in building out a national WiMax network. T-Mobile has committed to bringing Long Term Evolution to market, a technology which is supposed to compete with WiMax.  Because of the differences in next generation technology, I do not really see this happening, but we will have to wait and see.  What do you think?  Tell us your thoughts in the comments!


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