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T-Mobile to raise SIM Starter Kit price to $15


Along with yesterday’s news that T-Mobile has changed its credit class requirements for EIP, we’ve been informed of another way the company is attempting to improve its revenues. While the EIP change was to ensure that really low credit customers couldn’t sign up to an EIP unless they’ve been with the company as a subscriber for three years. Today’s information is all about short-term income improvements.

One of our trusted sources has told us that T-Mobile is going to raise the price of the SIM Starter Kit by $5. Taking it up to $15. This change will be pushed through on December 3rd, if our information is accurate.

As many of you already know, when you buy a new phone from T-Mobile, a SIM Starter pack is normally added to your order at checkout along with a one-off charge of $10. This 50% price increase may seem like a small change on an individual purchase basis. But, when you add up the millions of transactions each quarter, it makes for a healthy nest egg.

As with any rumor, plans could change. I know it’s happened in the past, on more than one occasion. But, the carrier has – for most of this year – been coming up with new strategies for improving revenue, without breaking its Uncannier moves. These include the new $80 Simple Choice tier, the new JUMP! terms which only allow upgrades once 50% of the EIP has been paid off and the abolition of corporate discount plans.


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