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T-Mobile’s Newest Commercial “Pipes” Takes Another Swipe At AT&T

T-Mobile just isn’t letting up on AT&T, data congestion and the iPhone 5. First we had Mousetraps, then Frankenstein, a man frozen in ice and now…pipes! Pipes with colored liquid representing data congestion! Hey T-Mobile, why not take some cheap shots at Sprint…a company whose data speeds really suck. Have you seen their LTE speeds? I can build a website faster than Sprint customers can view one on of their fancy LTE smartphones. There’s a commercial idea for you…but I expect royalties.

While overcrowded networks can slow your data down, T-Mobile’s nationwide network has the room to let unlimited data flow freely. With 50% more bandwidth than other carriers, only T-Mobile lets your iPhone 5 be as great as an iPhone 5. Learn more at


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