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AT&T Says Keep Your Rate Plan, Even When Your Contract Expires

While AT&T awaits FCC approval, DOJ lawsuits and a host of contentious members of the political machine they are still trying to win over the T-Mobile customer. As of September 16th T-Mobile updated their internal FAQ for employees regarding possible customers question surrounding rate plans changing post-AT&T takeover. A small addendum might help allay the fears of some T-Mobile customers who are fearful that their rate plans will disappear.

We’ve known for a while that AT&T has said T-Mobile customers will be able to keep their rate plans but for the same length of time we’ve wondered what would happen at the end of a contract. AT&T has finally answered that question by stating that T-Mobile customers will be able to hang onto their current rate plan “even when their term ends and the service continues on a month-to-month basis.”

That’s good news but the real question is: what happens when I want to upgrade? When I decide the time is right for a new smartphone will I be forced to leave my beloved T-Mobile rate plan behind and pick one of AT&T’s current offerings? That’s the question I want someone to answer.


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