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More Proof T-mobile Rules In Wireless Customer Service


As wireless customers we put an unusually high amount of reliance in our cell phones and for good reason: portability is a key factor in our lives. When the cell phone stops working, it’s almost as if life slows down to a crawl along with it. That being said, among the four major carriers, which survives the real world test of customer service? No JD power awards to be given here–just real world testing under real world conditions, and the winner won’t surprise any readers of this website.

The good folks over at Laptopmag did some legwork for the rest of us and came up with some interesting conclusions on what life is like for the average customer. What happens if you go into the store with a question? What is the experience like when you call in to customer service? It is understood that we have all, at one point or another, had both great and less than great customer service experiences with wireless carriers, T-mobile included. Thankfully however, when put to the test, T-mobile came out on top with the most precise answers. While the T-mobile experience for Laptopmag was not perfect, it came out above the competition thanks to better-than-the-rest awareness of what the phones could or could not do.

It’s a short read and one that is definitely worth taking a glance at!


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