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Best Buy to carry unlocked subsidized handsets for T-mobile?


And I’m off, but this is my parting gift…

I have to say our disbelief when the picture after the jump first arrived in our mailbox was pretty strong, but then we took notice of two threads over at howardforums (and howardforums) which seemed to confirm that such a sale was indeed taking place. A few moments before I was about to post this, one of our forum users snapped this picture. I know this one at first glance seemed far fetched but at least a few tipsters have come forward all claiming this is going to be a future offering. So either this is one early April Fool’s joke T-mobile and Best Buy are crawling into bed with one another.

Picture after the jump!

The breakdown apparently works a little something like this, there are three available models at two sets of pricing, the obvious unlocked and unbranded full retail cost, or the unlocked and unbranded subsidized cost broken down as follows:

Some things to remember, none of these phones are available for usage on T-mobile 3G so you are relegated to all EDGE, all the time. The apparent and rumored launch date for this bountiful offer is November 16th at participating Best Buy mobile locations.

We’re definitely chalking this one up in the rumor column, still it’s worth posting just for the simple notion of how much we love subsidized pricing and unbranded phones even if it comes with the shackles of a contract.

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