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What are you hoping for tomorrow?

So tomorrow marks the beginning of the CTIA, one of the biggest events of the year for wireless. According to the CTIA website, our CEO is scheduled to speak somewhere between 9:30am and 11:00am, assume pacific standard time as the event is held out of San Francisco. While we won’t be live blogging tomorrow, you can rest assured that I will be here compiling all the information you want, good, bad or ugly and have it posted up for your reading pleasure immediately…That’s right, we’ll have it up pronto or we’ll level Toronto, and who can tell me what movie that line is from??

So sound off in the comments, what are you wishing for tomorrow from the Dotson keynote? Android announcements? 3G launch announcements? Video calling? All of the above?

Me, I’m hoping he comes up on stage and announces free lifetime service for anyone who runs a T-mobile blog. Hey, a guy can dream…

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