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Google Voice now supports MMS sent by T-Mobile subscribers

If there’s one service I’ve been intensely jealous of watching the U.S. mobile scene from the UK, it’s Google Voice. And, although Google hasn’t really been paying much attention to it recently, it’s nice to know the service is becoming more useful to more people. However unintuitive the added new features might seem, they are – at least – something. Last week, Google announced … [read full article]

Galaxy S4 with Stock Android: Is This The Next Great Tech Superphone?

We had caught wind of a possible Nexus-like Galaxy S4 previously, but we were naturally a little skeptical because good old Sammy wants to capitalize on its products and craft the signature Samsung experience with its own customized skins and software implementations. I personally wished upon a star for it to be true, but had trouble believing it. Until, of course, Google made this … [read full article]